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Our Battle Over and Over Again by Safiya Henderson-holmes Toni Morrison Race Prose

Dialectical Anthropology

journal article

The Pan-African Brotherhood of Langston Hughes and Nnamdi Azikiwe

Dialectical Anthropology

Published By: Springer

Dialectical Anthropology

https://www. jstor .org/stable/29790777




The African American Langston Hughes (1902-1967) and the Nigerian Nnamdi Azikiwe (1904-1996) were alumni of Lincoln University, transatlantic culture warriors, and literary collaborators. In their friendship of thirty years, the two leaders of twentieth century blackness discourse shared more in mutual than at that place had ever been in relationships betwixt African and African American elites. Surprisingly, very piddling attention has been paid to the meeting of two great minds who individually and collectively stirred the imagination of their successors across Africa and the black Diaspora. By excavating the influences and unusual similarities in their babyhood and adult experiences and by a close reading of their poetry, this newspaper examines the cultural kinship as well as the shared vision of social justice between Hughes and Zik.

Journal Information

Dialectical Anthropology is an international journal that seeks to invigorate discussion among left intellectuals by publishing peer-reviewed articles, editorials, letters, reports from the field, political exchanges, and book reviews that foster open debate through criticism, research and commentary from across the social sciences and humanities. Nosotros provide a forum for work with a pronounced dialectical approach to social theory and political practice for scholars and activists working in Marxist and broadly political-economic traditions, and those who wish to exist in dialogue or contend with these traditions. Since its founding by Stanley Diamond 1975, Dialectical Anthropology has been dedicated to the transformation of class lodge through internationalizing conversations near the stakes of gimmicky crises and the means for social change. For three decades, the pages of the journal accept provided infinite for annotate, criticism, agreement, and disagreement most meaning issues of our times. Dialectical Anthropology is committed to reaching beyond an Anglophone readership via submissions, dialogue and active participation in languages other than English language, and an editorial policy that promotes collaborations beyond the traditional concerns of Western academics.

Publisher Information

Springer is 1 of the leading international scientific publishing companies, publishing over 1,200 journals and more than than iii,000 new books annually, covering a wide range of subjects including biomedicine and the life sciences, clinical medicine, physics, technology, mathematics, computer sciences, and economics.
