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Using Estonian smart carte du jour in Dokobit portal: why an mistake appears and how to set up information technology?
We have some data for Estonian eID (or east-Residency) card users. If y'all are trying to log in to Dokobit portal using a smart card, sometimes an error message "Could non find any devices, please try once again" is being displayed. Do not worry, we've got you covered.
Such things tin happen because of DigiDoc4 and/or your computer, browser, network settings, antivirus, firewall or other external reasons. It is totally under control – all you have to do is to check if everything is set correctly. Hither's a guide to troubleshoot this problem and get yous correct back on rail again!

In order to use Estonian eID or e-Residency carte du jour for e-services such as user authentication or document signing, start you lot need to set up your estimator. If y'all haven't done it yet, download and install the required software from hither. When you are encountering problems using Dokobit services with your Smart carte, be sure to always check the version number of your software and update it if necessary. If the software is installed and you still are not able to use Estonian eID or e-Residency card for our e-services, please follow the steps below (the steps take place in a non-hierarchical lodge):
- Reinsert the card to the reader and check if the menu reader is properly connected to the computer. Check if inserted card information is visible in the section "My eID". If y'all get an fault message "No carte in menu reader", please see how to cheque if your ID bill of fare reader is working here.
- If the DigiDoc4 Customer successfully reads the data of the document in the card reader, merely it is not possible to enter e-services, the reason for the malfunctions may be a third-party software program installed on the computer. Delight follow the instructions here.
- Try restarting your figurer – sometimes at that place are settings saved in your browser that prevent you lot to utilize our services.
- If y'all are using macOS and find that but some e-services open whereas others practice not, this may be a case of your web browser using the incorrect certificate for authentication in the e-service. Please follow the instructions here.
- If you lot are using a company figurer or trying to log in from the company network, which is administrated by the company, delight contact your IT back up team to bank check whether the network, firewall, and/or antivirus software does not prevent you from using Dokobit portal. To check if your firewall allows requests to the portal, please visit the page hither. If you're asked to insert PIN1, then your firewall is not preventing you from opening the portal. If you're not asked to insert a Pin or if the page is inaccessible, delight contact your Information technology support.
- Check if https://auth.dokobit.com:443 is whitelisted in your network proxy settings. If you are using a company calculator or trying to log in from the visitor network, which is administrated by the company, please contact your Information technology back up to check that and if needed make changes there.
We promise that this troubleshooting guide helps you to use Dokobit services smoothly. If you however can't use your Estonian eID or e-Residency carte for our e-services, exercise not hesitate and please contact our support team.
This mail service is also bachelor in: Estonian
Source: https://blog.dokobit.com/tips-and-tricks/using-estonian-smart-card-in-dokobit-services/