Where Is the Bank of America International Remittance Code on Paper?
Chaos Theory in Forex Trading
- Chaos Theory in Forex Trading
- Chaos Visual Averages (Haos Visual ... - Forex Wiki Trading
- Chaos Oscillator Forex Strategy - dolphintrader.com
- Forex Today: Chaos in the US won't let the greenback keep ...
- FX Chaos Forex Trading System - Forex Strategies - Forex ...

http://twitter.com/forex_in_world/status/1302306540221861891Fractals Chaos Oscillator Indicator MT4 & MT5 (Free Download) https://t.co/8yXLVmT8gM— FOREX IN WORLD (@forex_in_world) September 5, 2020
http://twitter.com/forex_in_world/status/1302443728024592385Fractals Chaos Oscillator Indicator MT4 & MT5 (Free Download) https://t.co/GF7r3faGSF#forexsignals #forextrading #donaldtrump— FOREX IN WORLD (@forex_in_world) September 6, 2020
http://twitter.com/forex_in_world/status/1302247729788260352#ForexSignals #ForexTrading Fractals Chaos Oscillator Indicator MT4 & MT5 (Free Download) https://t.co/WFtuOgcN47 pic.twitter.com/Q361kP4Kpj— FOREX IN WORLD (@forex_in_world) September 5, 2020
Unathi Kwaza RT from Edward Hilton: @Unathi_Kwaza Makes perfect sense if the aim is to collapse the tourism industry and the much needed forex it brings in. I'm predicting (maybe hoping is a better word) that there will be some easing of the current repat chaos.
Forex Secrets – Developing the "Anti-Chaos" Trading Strategy and Tactics at Forex Market (Part I)
Forex Secrets – Developing the "Anti-Chaos" Trading Strategy and Tactics at Forex Market (Part I)
Forex Secrets – Developing the "Anti-Chaos" Trading Strategy and Tactics at Forex Market (Part I)
Forex Secrets – Developing the "Anti-Chaos" Trading Strategy and Tactics at Forex Market (Part I)
Forex Update: Euro and Pound Under Pressure Amid Brexit Chaos
Forsaken Exiles
Forsaken Exiles is, first and foremost, a roleplay Org (associated with RPNET). If you intend to roleplay in Star Citizen, then we may be the Org for you. Just read about us below to understand who we are!
Forsaken Exiles was founded on September 4, 2950 Earth-year. Their goal is to use unrest in the galaxy to their advantage, working to dismantle the UEE's weaker grasp on fringed planets and oppressed peoples, thus allowing them to operate autonomously. The Forsaken Exiles work to self-suffice the fringed people within and sometimes outside of UEE control, to dispel corruption wherever it exists, and to sew chaos if necessary even if it means restoring power to the people's hands. While many may believe the Forsaken Exiles to be a chaotic terrorist group, or even mislabel them as pirates, the opposite is in fact true. If at all possible, the Forsaken Exiles will exercise what strategies they are left with to operate within the laws of the UEE as possible, but their goal comes first and foremost. This means that if laws are to be broken, the crew will try to break as few as possible.
This Org is intended to be a small, tight-nit group of roleplayers. The small member pool is intentional as we don't want people to feel as though they are a number among thousands of people. Here, in Forsaken Exiles, you are a friend. Act with respect to those around you and respect will be shown in kind. Patience and understanding are key to a healthy crew, as many of us are either on different time zones, lead different lives, and have different schedules. As a note, I (the founder) am on U.S. Pacific Time.
This Org offers specialized roles for those of you who have excelled in a field of study that we are looking to add to our ranks. Due to this, your part in how our crew operates will be as a leading authority on whatever role you play with us, and any mission we undertake that primarily deals with said role will be your's to command for the most part.
Forsaken Exiles are looking for men and women who have plenty of experience, both in and out of character, with the available roles/titles/occupations listed below:
- "Quartermaster": The Quartermaster is second-in-command behind the Captain and acts as surrogate Captain should the acting Captain be away for whatever reason.
- "Hunter": The Hunter is an FPS/Dogfighting wizard who also has decent experience with manning turrets in larger ships.
- Investigator: Investigator is a role reserved for the one in the crew best at gathering information. They know where to look, what to look for, and how to get what they need to complete an investigation.
- Heistmaster: Heistmaster is a role reserved for those whose escape artistry is unparalleled and whose thievery is unseen until its too late. Think of yourself as having the Verse's "sleightiest of hands" in more ways than one.
- "Nomad": The "Nomad" of the crew is the resident pilot of the crew ship, explorer extraordinaire, survey expert, and is well-versed in areas such as planetary demographics and politics.
There are more details behind these roles listed within our Discord. For those interested in knowing more about us before making a final decision, please head over to our page! To access our Discord, simply click the introductory quote [" If you fight for nothing else in this life, fight for freedom. The stars are for everyone. "].
[Econ] Making the Best of a Very Bad Thing
November 2030
Well, uh, this sucks. Just a few short months after the Arab States of the Gulf finally unified, the world economy decided to explode. This is what we in the business of economics call a very bad thing.
The effects across the FAS have been relatively disparate. The United Arab Emirates, easily the most diversified economy in the region, has been the least heavily impacted (though it's still bad). Diversification programs in Oman and Bahrain have also helped to stave off some of the worst impacts of the crisis, though they haven't been as successful in avoiding the effects as the UAE. Qatar and Kuwait, still almost entirely reliant on hydrocarbon exports, are not happy with this turn of events. Falling global oil prices, though propped up a little by a sudden increase in demand from China, have left their economies struggling much more than the rest of the country, and in desperate need of assistance from the better off parts of the country.
One major pain point in this crisis has been the FAS's economic ties to the United States. While most of the FAS's trade is with Asia, Africa, and Europe, the US financial system still plays a crucial role in the FAS. The stability of the US Dollar has long been used to protect the economies of the Gulf using their vast Forex reserves (earned from oil sales) to peg their currency to the US Dollar. With the US Dollar in complete collapse, the value of the Khaleeji is plummeting right along with it, causing a significant degree of harm to the FAS's economy.
To help offset this harm (and to decouple the FAS's economy from a country that the FAS is starting to view as maybe not the most reliable economic partner), the Central Bank in Dubai has announced that the Khaleeji will switch its peg from the US Dollar to a basket of foreign currencies (the Euro, the Pound Sterling, the Swiss Franc, the US Dollar, and the Japanese Yen). The FAS hopes that this will help to salvage the Khaleeji's value, better protecting the economy from the collapse of the dollar-based international financial system. Rumor has it that the Central Bank is discussing the idea of unpegging the Khaleeji entirely and allowing it to float freely, but so far, the Central Bank has made no moves towards floating the Khaleeji.
But in another sense, they're a double-edged sword. The status quo is often a repressive entity, reinforcing existing hierarchies and preventing dramatic shifts in the order of things. Chaos breaks that apart, giving the ingenuitive and the entrepreneurial on opportunity to better their lot in ways they otherwise could not.
Put differently: chaos is a ladder, and the FAS intends to be the one climbing it. As the largest economy in the Arab World (and one of the world's 20 largest economies) by both nominal GDP and GDP per capita (by a significant margin--it's probably either Saudi Arabia or Egypt in second place in nominal GDP, and definitely Saudi Arabia in second place in GDP per capita, but the FAS more than doubles the country in second place in both categories, so it's sort of a moot point), the FAS hopes to cement its place as the regional economic power.
The FAS has announced a new slate of policies intended to attract rich investors, manufacturing firms, and financiers fleeing the new nationalization program of the United States. New free trade zones have been created throughout the country--especially in the struggling, undiversified regions of Kuwait and Qatar--with the goal of convincing fleeing American manufacturers to set up shop in these areas. Attractions include wildly low tax rates (as low as zero percent in some instances), a common law framework (as opposed to the Sharia-based legal system in most of the FAS), highly subsidized land prices (sometimes free), relaxed financial restrictions (making it easier to move money in and out of the FTZ), and, for large enough firms moving enough operations into the country, preferential visa treatment (making it easier for them to relocate foreign employees into the country). Sitting at one of the major crossroads of global trade, moving operations to the FAS offers easy access to both the world's established consumer markets (like the EU and East Asia) as well as to some of its largest growing markets (South and Southeast Asia, East Africa, and MENA). Pair this with wildly high standards of living (for people who aren't
In addition to manufacturing-oriented FTZs, special attention has been paid to attracting service-oriented firms to new and existing FTZs in the vein of Dubai Internet City, Dubai Design District, Dubai Knowledge Park, and Dubai Media City, with the goal of developing a robust service economy that can capture growing markets in the MENA, South Asia, and East African regions. In advertising these zones, the governments of the FAS have highlighted the success of previous ventures in Dubai, which have attracted the regional headquarters of giants like Facebook, Intel, LinkedIn, Google, Dell, Samsung, Microsoft, IBM, Tata Consultancy, and more.
Perhaps one of the most substantial pushes, though, is to attract American financial services and FinTech firms to base in the FAS (particularly Dubai, Kuwait City, Doha, and Abu Dhabi, the traditional centers of regional finance). New financial industry free trade zones have been set up in the four cities, structured in the vein of the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). These financial FTZs boast an independent and internationally regulated regulatory and judicial system, a common law framework, and extremely low taxation rates. All government services in these regions are available in English (the lingua franca of international finance), and in events where ambiguity exists in the legal and regulatory systems, the systems are set to default to English Common Law (except for the Kuwait City International Financial Centre, which is hoping to better tailor itself towards American financial firms by defaulting to American Civil Law from pre-2020 rather than English Common Law). Much like in the DIFC, these new FTZs will also run their own courts, staffed in large part by top judicial talent from Common Law (or in the case of Kuwait City, American Civil Law) jurisdictions like Singapore, England, and (formerly) Hong Kong. Using these FTZ, the four cities hope to raise their profile as financial centers. Dubai in particular is hoping to break into the top ten global financial centers--and it stands a good chance of doing so, too, as it sits at number 12, just behind cities like LA, SF, and Shenzhen--while the other cities are just hoping to boost their profile into the 20s or 10s (according to Long Finance, Dubai is number 12 in the world and 1 in the region, Abu Dhabi is number 39 in the world and two in the region, Doha is number 48 in the world, and Kuwait City is number 91).
The apex in now in sight. Final preparations for the crash.
I think the market will top in the next five trading days (Final week of May), and in the next 10 trading days volatility will again take centre stage.
The last time I took a pop at a big bold calling of the exact high price and exact day was February 12th, 2020. The market went up a tiny bit more from there. There was a weak uptrend that lasted about a week, and then the market came down. I think we're now at the same point we were on the 12th of February. In the final days before chaos is unleashed.
At this point I think the high in the market will be made sometime between Friday the 29th of May, 2020 and Tuesday the second of June, 2020. I think the high price on the SPX will be at, or very close to, 3080. I think the drop that follows this will be a bit over 1,920 points. This gives a target price of 1160 (And I'll take 1225 to front run this).
Over the week ahead I'm going to make a superhuman effort to provide all the things I think are needed to benefit during this. This will include my analysis, generic strategies and my jackpot trades paying over 1:100. Early in the week that follows I'll talk through positions I am taking expecting the high. From the start of the week after that, I think the market falls.
I think the market will take about a week to get to 2500 area. From there we'll see a small bullish week back to around 2700. After this the strong market crash will begin. This would imply there being bad news around the 6 - 8th of June and this followed by worse news around the 21st to 23rd of June. Capitulation will start around the 24th - 25th of June. During this there will be some bull days, and we should sell into these bull days.
Once the market starts to fall the time I can allocate to providing free information is going to drop to very close to zero. There'll be some stuff I copy and paste talking about what I am doing. There may be some end of days (Or weekends) where I can do detailed write ups. I'll be able to maintain fairly good tracking of swing positions, but not intra-day/week.
When the market starts to move 99.9% of my attention will have to be entirely focused on the management of my own trades and ensuring people who I have as clients are well prepared and fully updated as things develop. Once the market is falling I'll be accepting no new clients. I won't be able to be contacted until I think the low has been made.
Please understand this is not rudeness, but when the market is moving - that's when I do my job. I can talk about things before them and after them, not during them.
Itinerary of content I aim to cover in the week ahead.
(I'll link these in this post as they're completed. So bookmark this)
- A brief overview of the analysis methods I am using. What I'll be looking for to confirm trade plans and what I'd be looking for to tell me I am wrong and to stop losses.
- Areas of engagement and action plan for following market breaks.
- Action to look for to spot a possible bottom coming.
- Call spreads: How and why.
- Naked put options: How and why.
- Placing limit orders to enter into bear markets: How and why.
- Put spreads: How and why.
- Selling covered calls. How and why.
Jackpot trades;
Individual swing trades paying between $70,000 - $150,000 for each $500 - $1,000 risked.
How to keep your mind while everyone around you loses theirs.
Things I'll setup to track trading plans
Free Stuff:
Discord view only server covering swing trading plans. This will include;
- Monthly put options
- Monthly call spreads
- Monthly put spreads
- Futures swing trades
- Forex swing trades
Paid Stuff:
During the fall I'm only going to be able to continue to provide weekly and daily trade plans if people pay for it. The reason for this is, for it to be viable for me, I'm going to have to hire people to do the leg work in managing this. I won't have time to do it all myself. I'm charging you to cover the costs I'll incur to give it to you.
I'll setup a discord server with;
- Trading chat. Live updates. Limited QA.
- Daily and weekly analysis/trade plans (Multiple markets)
- Daily and weekly call/put spreads (For income)
- Complex 'Set&Forget' pending order trade plans (Futures, commodities and Forex).
To join the paid discord server will cost you only $50, but it is only open to join until the market starts to fall. I'll accept new people during the next 3 weeks. Once the market starts to fall, I'll edit this post to remove this section, and will not accept anyone new. If the market does not fall within 8 weeks from today - my plan is not working. I'll refund all payments/close the server.
There are some people here to call me a scammer. I'd suggest you do not send me the $50 if you've not already gotten at least $50 of value out of what I've shared. I'm going to keep on doing the same thing. Personally, I think i should be charging over 100* what I am, but I suppose value is very subjective.
I'll accept payments for this only via Paypal (Much easier if I end up refunding). To join this;
1 - Send $50 to PayPal email: [Redacted. People are more hassle than it's worth to help]
2 - Send payment transaction number via email to the same email address.
Links to join will be sent to you. Please allow for some time, but should usually be within a few hours.
I'm going to do my best to try to get through as many of my messages here as possible over the weekend (Currently seems to be about 50 pending, so no promises). By end of next week I'll probably not be reading/replying to any messages, and by the week after I'll probably also not be reading replies to threads/username mentions etc.
I want to make sure everyone fully understands that and is prepared for it. During the week ahead I'll bombard you with everything I think you need to understand what is happening, and while it is happening I'll be non-contactable publicly. This will remain the case until I think we're in at the low - and then I'll again have time to be chatty.
Relevant links will be added to this post to refer to different things (Plans, strategies and so on). So bookmark this thread and then you can use it as a master thread to find everything (I think) will be important.
I think we have just 10 more trading days until this starts. 10 days where the market is fairly dull and boring, and then months and months of work starts to all come together over a matter of minutes. I'd suggest at this time it would be especially prudent to take actions to protect yourself from any lasting exposure to this. Real world and digital. Put foam on the runway.
How Coronavirus has Affected the Forex Market?
As the main driver of the Forex market, what is the USD going to do as chaos caused by the coronavirus pandemic assaults the global economy? The Forex markets have been relatively stable (compared to stocks and commodities) since the outbreak of the virus, but will this continue? Unfortunately, the final math is not known, and that is because governments, corporations and private citizens do not know how to quantify the total effects as the pandemic takes its toll.
To Know More Please Contact Future Academy
#Forex #Future #Academy #Trading
Different Categories of Magic Spells #lovespells
Several clients ask me what the different categories of magic spells there are. There are several but I have narrowed down to the most frequently asked about, although this lengthy article is not all of them. Basically, there are various types of magic spells that you can choose from. Among these are Angel spells, Black Magic spells, Love Spells, Wealth Magic, Xaos, White Magic Spells, Hermetic Magick and Djinn/Demons/Genie.
You can view all of the lists here:
Magic Spell Categories
- Angel spells | Angel Spells List
- Azrael- this is the Death's Archangel that brings solace and recognition of these pretty elusive and profound changes. He delivers peace at the end and liberation from grief or distress.
- Gabriel- an Archangel that belongs to the magickal component of water. He offers courage, guidance and strength in respect to all things associated with emotions, entailing passion, love as well as marriage. Also, in the tree of life, Gabriel rules Yesod, offering him authority over the realm of dreams and astral plane.
- Kamael (Camael) – the Archangel belonging to Sephiroth Geburah, thus, is the Archangel of strength, courage, warfare and domination and can be approached for assistance concerning any of these, including protection and strength against any spirit, material and source.
- Metatron- this is very paramount among angelic beings and is connected to the Crown, Tree of Life and sphere of Kether. It needs to be utilized for the holiest of the spells, particularly those including healing, guidance, purity and anything that regards the need to propel towards divinity.
- Michael- Carrying a flaming sword, Michael is the Archangel of sincerity and honesty. His skills entail guidance and shield from all things. He assists with the exorcism of bad spirits. He grows determination, provides focus, worthiness and self-esteem.
- Raphael- an Archangel of the Tiphareth, Air and the 6th Sephiroth of the Tree of Life. The Raphael's powers involve healing, a direction in almost every matter, and all abilities concerning magickal component of Air.
- Tzadkiel (Zadkiel) – the Archangel of the Sphere Chesed (Sphere of Jupiter). Therefore, he rules the spells of fortune, rulership, wealth, royalty, kingships and titles.
- Uriel- this is an archangel of the Earth that manages material elements of our worldly "Eden." This comprises but not confined to financial concerns, home matters and practical matters of the contemporary world.
- Djinn/Demons/Genie | Djinn Spell List
- Agares- the power of the East that comes up in the form of an aged fair man that carries a Goshawk in his fist while riding upon a Crocodile and appears mild. He teachers all Tongues and Languages.
- Asmoday- it gives the ring of virtues, full and true answers when needed. He makes one unconquerable. He reveals the place where treasures lie and guard it. Additionally, he is regarded as a great lust demon.
- Bune- gives riches and makes one Eloquent and wise. He delivers true answers when needed. It is known a robust money and wealth djinn.
- Raum- can destroy Cities as well as Dignities of Men. He tells the present, past and the future. He can cause respect between friends and foes. He is both a love and wealth demon (quite rare)
- Gusion- conciliates and recon ciliates friendships and offers dignity, fame and honor to anyone. He cures all arguments and fights and restores trust and connection to any kind of relationship.
- Cimejes (Kimaris) – usually, its office is concerned with teaching excellently Logic, Grammar, rhetorics and to find hidden or misplaced riches and other brand-new sources of wealth
- Beleth- it causes all the existing love for both men and women and ensures that everything is fulfilled.
- Vassago- the spirit whose office's functions is to announce present and future things. It serves to help find things lost or hidden. This is a spirit of good nature.
- Bael- the first principal spirit that makes on to go unnoticed.
- Marbas- it can cause and cure diseases. He gives noble knowledge and Wisdom in the Mechanical Arts and can transform men into different shapes.
- Barbatos- is concerned with giving the perception of the singing birds as well as that of voices of other animals like the barking of dogs. He breaks the concealed treasures laid by the Magic of Magicians. This is an ideal djinn for musicians and artists.
- Sitri- inflames men with Ladies' love and Ladies with Men's love. It causes them to present themselves "luxuriously naked" when need be.
- Alloces (Alocas) – concerned with teaching the Art of Astronomy as well as all the Liberal Sciences. Also, he brings good familiars.
- Balam- Speaking with a hoarse voice, Balam gives real answers to matters like the past, present and the future. Also, he makes men be humorous and go unnoticed
- Furcas- its office is meant to teach the Arts of Rhetoric, Philosophy, Cheiromancy, Astrology, Pyromancy and logic in their entire parts.
- Crocell- it is strong and great djinn that speaks mystically of Secret stuff. He is concerned with teaching about Liberal science and the Art of Geometry. He produces Great sounds such as the dashing of many waters. He warms waters and finds baths.📷
- Black Magic Spells | Black Magic Spells List
The Black Magic Spells is made up of those spells meant for revenging, stealing a partner from another person or to fix or coercively force someone out of a circumstance. The black magic spells comprise of Andras, Andromalius, Black Magick Love Spell, Banish Spell, Demonic Possession, Break-Up Spell, and Infernal Princes of the Hell Love Spell, Destroy an Adversary, Revenge Spell, Necronomicon Black Magic Spell and Steal a Mate. Notably, Black Magic Spells are spells performed for your own good. For instance, in case you desire someone who also belongs to another person, you will need to use Steal a Mate spell to steal them. Another spell like Destroy an Adversary can be used to remove or destroy an opponent or rival for your own good e.g. for love, business or any other gains.
- Hermetic Magick | Hermetic Magick Spells List
Hermetic Magick is an essential spell for bringing precisely the sort of power you desire in your life. The energies may include:
- FIRE- passion, energy, health and passion.
- WATER- love, friendship and intuition.
- AIR- Wit, knowledge, ability in discovering anything innovative.
- EARTH- Tranquility, centeredness, and material, and wealth affluence.
- SPIRIT- Happiness, contentment, balance.
- Love spells | Love Spells List
These spells are for anyone (both genders) whose heart is focused on someone.
- Burning Lust and Passion Spell- for more burning lust and enthusiasm in an existing relationship. You can also use it to turn friendship to passion, love and lust.
- Love Spell and Banish Spell 2 in 1 Spell- for eliminating people hindering your love another person.
- Return a Lover Spell- Meant for binding your soul to another person both for now and expected lifetime.
- "Gardenia" Love Spell- to help you when you have a hidden crush on someone
- "Red Rose" Love Spell- this is a traditional spells that can help you if you are looking for a lasting partner. It focuses on real love and romance
- "The Lily" Love Spell- the spell works to get a commitment from a partner who does not appear to make a clear decision regarding love. It will ensure passion, purity of love and loyalty. If you need to keep your current partner faithful, then this should be your choice.
- "The Orchid" Love Spell- this a unique spell for people seeking a select and alien partner.
- "Waratah Blossom" Love Spell- meant for passion, lust and great enthusiasm and particularly focuses on those who might not be fit for us, only that they excite us in some way.
- "Chrysanthemum" Love Spell- if you need to feel the love right from all directions such that you appear like the heart of concentration in regard to love then you needs this spell.
- Wealth Magic| Money Spell List
- Business Spell for Wealth as well as Abundance- works for people seeking to progress in their area of business or those wishing to make their businesses greater and abundant.
- Good Luck Spell- You need this spell to enhance your chances in lotteries, games of chance, gambling or any other activity that requires a good fate.
- Trading Luck and Skill Spell- the spell helps with good luck and knowledge about Stocks, Forex, Crypto-trading, and any variety of assets shorting, trading or investing
- Fame and success Spell- this spell is deal for people in highly competitive fields like music, acting, comedy, dancing, politics etc.
- Emergency Funds- a spell to induce a chunk of cash or any economic blessing when it is most desired. It is worth noting that this is not a shortcut for lasting wealth.
- White Magic Spells | White Magic Spell List
The White Magic Spells entails any spell that is about helping oneself or even people. The spells in this category are:
- Confidence, Pleasure, Beauty Spell meant for Women.
- Weight Loss Spell
- Dream Home Spell
- Curse Removal
- The Four Planes Protection Spell
- Female Fertility Spell
- Healing spell.
- Male potency.
- Libra Legal Spell (for winning legal battles)
- Muse Invocation
- Masculine Sex Appeal
- Quit an Addiction Spell.
- Cleansing and Purification Spell.
- Pass Exams and Good Grades Spell.
- Xaos Magic | Chaos Magic And Izabael Specialized Spells
This is a list of spells comprising of at least 14 specialty spells or some offers that might be available. The highest rated spells in the category are: Chaos Magick Servitor (demons build from scratch), IZABAEL Invocation, Increased Psychic or Astral Ability level 1 and 2, Custom Money or Wealth Spell, Succubus (for seducing men), Custom Curse Spell etc.
You may need any of these spells if you have a special case requires a customized solution.
Want Izabael To Cast a Spell For You?
Visit My Magick Spell Shop
Magic Spells by Izabael DaJinn
originally posted at: https://izabaeldajinn.com/2019/05/different-categories-of-magic-spells
Inflation, Gauge Symmetry, and the big Guh.
![]() | Sup retards, back at it with the DD/macro. EDUMACATION TIME What is inflation? Inflation is the sustained increase in the price level in goods and services. Inflation is derived from a general price index, and in the US, from the consumer price index. Knowing that inflation is an outcome, not a set policy is very important. Inflation is a measurement after the fact, much like your technical astrology indicators. (**ps, use order flow in your TA you wizards**) What this rain man level autism means for the economy. Looking across the board at Forex we can see the USD having a schizo panic attack jumping up and down like me at a mathematics lecture.
In only 1 of these 3 scenarios do we see any sort of "good" outcome? That would be the offset of deflationary pressures. |
The next steps... [Erin Edition]
As we have been told multiple times, the difference between a High Silver and low Gold (or High gold and early Named) is the gear and the crucible.
Well, Erin has been through a "few" crucibles so far and that has never been the limiting factor for her. It has been her "gear"* that has been lagging behind. It is a joy to finally see her have the time, means and the capability to intentionally gear up for the challenges.
*Now, I use the word "Gear" as a veeeeeeery broad catch-all term when talking about our lady of Chaos and Nonconformity as a rough "Gear" list of hers can start with her apron, masterwork knife and acid jars; it can meander through things like "enough ambient mana storage to mimic a RTS Magic Defense Tower", "A non borked and 100% working WH40k Assault Teleportarium Complex" and end in entries like "4+ Gold Rank Teams", "60.000+ Cave Goblins", "A Reinforced Assault Platoon of Antinium" and so on.
Anyway, the following as a rough list of what Erin has access to as her arsenal without asking from someone else right now;
- The Masterwork Mundane Knife,
- The Acids,
- The Blue Fruit Cores,
- The Door,
- The Garden, (And Chocolate, And Faerie Flowers, And sugar and so on all included.)
- The Alchemy Lab (insert [building in progress!] sound effect here),
- The Gym,
- The Theater V1,
- The Ambient Mana Storage
- The Birdtower (insert [building in progress!] sound effect here),
- The potions from Saliss,
Aside from these, there is also the Stables planned and in the pipeline for the primaries list. And Magnolia's idiot Earthers... not that I can think any use for most of them except possibly Imani.
The secondary and tertiary lists are quite a bit larger and contains other resources Erin can utilize with a small heads up time or prep; like the Strongheart Farm, The Winstram Trio, Saliss, Grimalkin, Liscor's 4th Company, Antinium and so on but I will try to avoid discussing them here to keep the focus tight.
Now, with all the preliminary word salad out of the way, what else do you think would a good option for Erin to expand and glomp on to increase her arsenal/repertoire?
Personally, Erin being Erin, I feel the first option to go for is the local craftsmen;
- Closer ties with Ushel the [Fermenter] and Ediya the [Runecrafter] like how she started with Octavia might bring unexpected boons for Erin and the Inn.
- Quite a few ways down the line but after a reliable contact with Magnolia is established and the H'otel wing is finally built, renting a team of hospitality specialists from Magnolia to work it might be a multiple birds with one stone type deal.
- Another possible upgrade is setting up a combination Blacksmith / Tinkerer's / Farrier's Shop on the premises.Sure, none are full time presences but considering what half an hour of Pelt or Maughin's jamming in the forge can produce when they are in the mood, it feels criminal not to present them with the possibility. Nevermind that Inn would also benefit from a firekeepetinkerer who would/could fill the odd handyman (HandyAntinium?) needs now and then.
- More seeds! MORE SEEDS!
- More "outbuildings". I have the sneaking suspicion that IF Erin acquires other specialized outbuildings in other cities and establishes with it using the magical door, like a "Grand Theater" in Invirsil forex, there is a better than even chance of the INN glomping on the said building and somehow permanently "tieing" the 2 buildings together while making things like space/distance/time cry and curl up in a corner.
- Ashfire Bee Apiary! (Totally didn't steal this one from Redhood39!)
- [Instant Legolas] and [Compound] upgraded heavy/siege bows for the BirdTowers (IntermittentSuccess)
- Some non-chess games to her inn (or the yard outside) for people to play like darts, shuffleboard, billiards/pool/snooker, foosball, cornhole, (giant) jenga, kubb, crokinole, bocce ball, horseshoes, ladder toss, croquet, twister, or even trivia nights (though someone else would need to think up the questions). Along with this she needs to set up a league for chess and whatever other games she adds. (Stylemys)
- Waterworks; pool / spa / sauna
- Expand the Gym V1 to a full on [Temple of The Lift], A Colosseum like area for sparing, A Weights Section, The above mentioned Pool, Coaches with healing magics (i.e. Grimalkin's Apprentices) (Gamer8123)
- A [(Hedge)Mage Tower] of some sorts for the visiting and employee Mages; Internal and Local Broadcasts, A Library, Workshops that can be rented...
- 6 [Birdwatcher Towers] and 1 [War Tower] with ziplines and other parts for a certain Archer
- A Stage on top of the central [War Tower] for a certain [SoulBard] to Hammer On Lightning and Strum Thunder.
- A Cold Room and a Freezer Room.
- Some Boomtree Barks next winter? Are there any left? (Gamer8123)
Welp!, these are the few things I feel appropriate for Erin to add to her arsenal. What are your thoughts? Guesses? Suggestions?
[Edited] to add the Apiary and the Siege Bow.
Brokervergleich Tabelle
Da der Brokermarkt momentan sehr dynamisch ist und viele neue Player dazukommen, habe ich begonnen, eine Vergleichstabelle zu erstellen. Diese ist noch nicht vollständig und wird sich in den nächsten Wochen und Monaten wahrscheinlich noch stark ändern. Daher lade ich euch alle ein, miteinander etwas Ordnung ins Chaos der verschiedenen Anbieter zu bringen, indem wir diese Google Tabelle gemeinsam bearbeiten.
Interessante Broker:
- Trade Republic
- JustTrade
- Gratisbroker
- Freetrade (noch nicht verfügbar in Dtl., es gibt aber bereits eine Warteliste)
- Nextmarkets
- Plus 500
- Robinhood (noch nicht verfügbar in Dtl.)
- Degiro
Vergleich im Bezug auf:
- Verfügbarkeit in Deutschland / Österreich / Schweiz
- Ordergebühr Aktie
- Ordergebühr ETF
- Dividende Gebühr
- Minimale Handelsmenge in Stück (Kaufen von Aktienanteilen)
- Mindesteinlage
- Mindestordervolumen
- Zinsen Verrechnungskonto
- Einlagensicherung
- Handelsplattform (Trading-App (iOS, Android), Web, Trading-Software)
- Anzahl kaufbarer Aktien, ETFs, Sparpläne, Fonds, verbriefter Derivate, Anleihen, Optionen, Optionsscheine, Futures, Zertifikate, Knock Outs, FOREX, CFDs
- Kauf von Cryptocurrencies + Withdrawal Verfügbarkeit
- Handelsplätze börslich, außerbörslich
- Handelszeiten
- Sonstiges (wenn euch noch etwas einfällt könnt ihr das gerne hinzufügen!)
Noch ein paar gute andere Posts von u/Rainer74:
Vergleich Wertpapier-Orderkosten
Großer ETF Sparplan-Kosten Vergleich
Deutsche Banken/Broker - Who is who ?
Trade Republic vs JustTrade vs Gratisbroker vs Freetrade vs Nextmarkets vs Plus 500 vs Robinhood vs Degiro
How do I choose a currency pair for Forex trading?
Here are some steps that you can take to choose the best currency pairs to trade in forex:
1- Open charts of at least seven currency pairs
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2- Skim through the latest market news:
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You should also determine if these pairs are suitable for your portfolio at this time. It is important to note that we don't publish forex trading strategies for every currency pair, every day. The reasons include our goal to cut down on market noise, as well as avoiding to mislead forex traders to trade more than they should. We have noticed that traders with larger risk appetite tend to jump on any trading signal we publish, whether it is suitable for their portfolio or not. So, in order to promote responsible trading, we have limited our trading signals to only 3 per week. Anything more than that needs a thorough consultation with your truly, to analyze your current account, open positions, available margin, investment portfolio, and more.
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Immediate Aftermath : The more data we collect and analyze, the clearer the picture becomes.
This is the updated first part of the list that has recorded the notable events as the world deals with the COVID-19 pandemic. [2nd Part] ― The LINKS to events and sources are placed throughout the timeline.
The More Data We Collect and Analyze, the Clearer the Picture Becomes.
Someone threw a stone in a pond a long way away. And we're only just feeling the ripples. — Fukuhara from Giri/Haji, Netflix series
On Jan 30, Italian PM announced that Italy had blocked all flights to and from China. While Italy has banned people from air-travelling to China, however according to IATA data, there's no measurement implemented for air-travellers from China into Italy till the Mar 07. Especially for Chinese people who have EU passports.
On Jan 31, the US announced the category-I travel restrictions, barring all foreigners who have been in China for the past 14 days, with measures including the refusal of visas and mandatory quarantine.
• "Because the US focused on China and didn't expect the infected people's entry from Europe and the Middle East, the Maginot Line was breached from behind. And so little of credible data at the beginning made the US government to miscalculate its strategic response to the virus." — Dr. Zhang Lun, currently a visiting scholar at Harvard (economics & sociology), during the interview with ICPC on Mar 29.
Also on Jan 31, the WHO changed its tune and declared the coronavirus outbreak a Global Public Health Emergency of international concern (PHEIC).
Decisions on a PHEIC always involve politics .... West African countries discouraged a declaration in 2014 after they were hit by the largest Ebola virus outbreak on record, mainly because of concern about the economic impact.
On Feb 02, regarding the US category-I travel restrictions, Kamala Harris, the former Democratic presidential candidate, declared on Twitter:
Since 2017, Trump's travel bans have never been rooted in national security—they're about discriminating against people of color. They are, without a doubt, rooted in anti-immigrant, white supremacist ideologies. This travel ban is no different.
On Feb 03, criticizing Trump for his travel restrictions continues. Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying (华春莹), a Peking University professors James Liang (梁建章), New York Times, the Nation, OBSERVER, the Boston Globe, Yahoo, and Daily Kos were saying,
it's a "panicky" decision and "racist" or it's "cruel and callous," he's stoking fear for political gains, and the president is "inappropriately overreacting." And professors Liang even said the US ban "will hurt goodwill and cooperation [with China] in the future." [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
Also on Feb 03, Mr. Tedros of the WHO said there's no need for travel ban measure that "unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade" trying to halt the spread of the virus.
China's delegate took the floor ... and denounced measures by "some countries" that have denied entry to people holding passports issued in Hubei province - at the centre of the outbreak - and to deny visas and cancel flights.
Also on Feb 03, China is expected to gradually implement a larger stimulus packages (in total) than a USD $572 billion from 2008. — We'd never find out but my guess is that the fund will probably go to Shanghai clique.
On Feb 04, The FDA has given emergency authorization to a new test kit by the CDC that promises to help public health labs meet a potential surge in cases.
The speed ... pushing through a new diagnostic test shows just how seriously they're taking the potentially pandemic threat of 2019-nCoV. It's also a sign that the world is starting to learn how to deal with an onslaught of new pathogens.
Also on Feb 04, the Wuhan Institute of Virology and China's Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMS, Chief Chen Wei belongs to) have jointly applied to patent the use of Remdesivir. Scientists from both institutes said in a paper published in Nature's Cell Research that they found both Remdesivir and Chloroquine to be an effective way to inhibit the coronavirus.
On Feb 06, Jamestown Foundation, a Washington-based research & analysis unit, noted that with State Council of PRC praising his performance of containing the pandemic situation, the council expanded Li Keqiang's political control over Politburo Standing Committee of CCP. (Li Keqiang = Communist Youth League = Shanghai clique)
Also, on Feb 06, as the US evacuation planes leave China, the wave of the US evacuees have arrived who are met by the CDC personnel at the quarantine sites for screening, and those who were suspected of infection will be placed under quarantine for 14 days.
Also, on Feb 06, a CDC-developed lab test kit to detect the new coronavirus began shipping to qualified US laboratories and international ones. — However, on Feb 12, the CDC said some of the testing kits have flaws and do not work properly. The CDC finally ended up shipping the working test kits for mass testings on Feb 27. This was three weeks later than originally planned.
On Feb 07, China National Petroleum has recently declared Force Majeure on gas imports. They are trying to create a breathing room for their foreign exchange reserves shortage. China's foreign exchange reserves fell to mere USD $3.1 trillion in Oct. 2019.
On the same day, Bloomberg reported that PetroChina has directed employees in 20 countries to buy N95 face masks and send them home in China. The goal is to get 2 million masks shipped back. You can also find YouTube videos that show Overseas Chinese are scouring the masks at the Home Depot to ship them to China (the video in Korean). Also Chris Smith is pissed.
On Feb 09, Trump renews his national emergency on its southern border, and Elizabeth Goitein from the Brennan Center for Justice, published an opinion article on New York Times titled "Trump Has Abused This Power. And He Will Again if He's Not Stopped."
On Feb 10, Dr. Tedros said that an advance three-person team of the WHO arrived in Beijing for a joint mission to discuss with Chinese officials the agenda and questions. Then, the joint mission of about 10 international experts will soon follow, he said. — Those WHO experts ended up visiting Chinese epicentre for the first time on Feb 24.
On Feb 12, the US targets Russian oil company for helping Venezuela skirt sanctions. The US admin seemingly tried to secure leverage against Russia after noticing something suspicious was up.
On the same day, Trump told Reuters "I hope this outbreak or this event (for the US) may be over in something like April." — Dr. Zhong Nanshan (钟南山), China's top tier SARS-hero doctor, also said "the peak of the virus (for China) should come in mid to late February, followed by a plateau or decrease," adding that his forecast was based on on mathematical modelling and data from recent events and government action.
On Feb 13, Tom Frieden who is a former US CDC chief and currently the head of public health nonprofit Resolve to Save Lives, said:
As countries are trying to develop their own control strategies, they are looking for evidence of whether the situation in China is getting worse or better. [But] We still don't have very basic information. [since the WHO just entered China] We hope that information will be coming out.
On the same day, the CDC reports that the 15th case in the US was confirmed. The patient was a part of group who were under a federal quarantine order at the JBSA-Lackland base because of a recent trip to Hubei Province, China.
By Feb 13, China hasn't accepted the US CDC's offer to send top experts, and they haven't released the "disaggregated" data (specific figures broken out from the overall numbers) even though repeatedly been asked.
On Feb 14, CCP's United Front posted an article on its official website, saying (Eng. text by Google Translation):
Fast! There is no time difference to raise urgently needed materials! Some Overseas Chinese have used their professions in the field of medicine in order to purchase relevant materials Hubei province in short of supply (to send them to China). .... Some Overseas Chinese took advantage of the connection resources, opened green transportation channels through our embassies and consulates abroad, and their related enterprises, and quickly sent large quantities of medical supplies (to China), making this love relay link and cooperation seamless.
On Feb 18, Reuters reports that 3M is on the list of firms eligible for China loans to ease coronavirus crisis.
There is no indication from the list that loans offered will necessarily be sought, or that such firms are in any financial need. The Bank of Shanghai told Reuters it will lend 5.5 billion yuan ($786 million) to 57 firms on its list.
On Feb 21, Xi Jinping writes a thank-you letter to Bill Gates for his foundation's support to China regarding COVID-19 outbreak.
On Feb 24, China was rumoured on Twitter to delay the phase one trade deal implementation indefinitely which includes the increase of China's purchasing American products & services by at least $200 billion over the next two years.
Also on Feb 24, S&P 500 Index started to drop. Opened with 3225.9 and closed 3128.2. By the Mar 23, it dropped to 2208.9.
Also on Feb 24, China's National Health Commission says the WHO experts have visited Wuhan city for the first time, the locked-down central Chinese city at the epicentre, inspecting two hospitals and a makeshift one at a sports centre.
On Feb 26, IF the picture that has been circulated on Twitter were real, then chief Chen Wei and her team have developed the first batch of COVID-19 vaccine within time frame of a month.
On the same day, the CDC's latest figures displays 59 people in the US who have tested positive for COVID-19.
Also on Feb 26, the Washington Post published an article that says:
.... the WHO said it has repeatedly asked Chinese officials for "disaggregated" data — meaning specific figures broken out from the overall numbers — that could shed light on hospital transmission and help assess the level of risk front-line workers face. "We received disaggregated information at intervals, though not details about health care workers," said Tarik Jasarevic of the WHO. — The comment, in an email on Feb 22 to the Post, was one of the first instances that the WHO had directly addressed shortcomings in China's reporting or handling of the coronavirus crisis.
On Feb 27, after missteps, the CDC says its test kit is ready and the US started to expand testing.
On Feb 28, China transferred more than 80,000 Uighurs to factories used by global brands such as Apple, Nike, & Volkswagen & among others.
Also on Feb 28, the WHO published the official report of the WHO-China joint mission on coronavirus disease 2019. (PDF)
On Feb 29, quoting Caixin media's investigation published on the same day, Lianhe Zaobao, the largest Singapore-based Chinese-language newspaper, published an article reporting the following:
Dr. Li Wenliang said in the interview with Caixin media; [in Dec 2019] another doctor (later turned out to be Dr. Ai Fen) examined and tried to treat a patient who exhibited SARS-like symptoms which akin to influenza resistant to conventional treatment methods. And "the family members who took care of her (the patient) that night also had a fever, and her other daughter also had a fever. This is obviously from person to person" Dr. Li said in the interview."
On Mar 01, China's State Council super tighten up their already draconian internet law.
On the same day, Princelings published an propaganda called "A Battle Against Epidemic: China Combating COVID-19 in 2020" which compiles numerous state media accounts on the heroic leadership of Xi Jinping, the vital role of the Communist Party, and the superiority of the Chinese system in fighting the virus.
Starting on Mar 03, the US Fed has taken two significant measures to provide monetary stimulus. It's going to be no use as if a group of people with serious means are manipulating the markets to make sure MM will have liquidity concerns when they need it most.
On Mar 04, Xinhua News, China's official state-run press agency posted an article "Be bold: the world should thank China" which states that
If China retaliates against the US at this time, it will also announce strategic control over medical products, and ban exports of said products to the US. ... If China declares today that its drugs are for domestic use only, the US will fall into the hell of new coronavirus epidemic.
On Mar 05, Shanghai Index has recovered the coronavirus loss almost completely.
On Mar 07, Saudi's Ahmed bin Abdulaziz and Muhammad bin Nayef were arrested on the claims of plotting to overthrow King Salman. — Ahmed bin Abdulaziz is known to have very tight investment-interest relationship with Bill Gates, Bill Browder, Blackstone, & BlackRock: One common factor that connects these people is China.
On Mar 08, the Russia–Saudi oil price war has begun. The ostensible reason was simple: China, the biggest importer of oil from Saudi and Russia, was turning back tankers while claiming that the outbreak forced its economy to a standstill.
On Mar 10, the Washington Post published the article saying that the trade group for manufacturers of personal protective equipment urged in 2009 "immediate action" to restock the national stockpile including N95 masks, but it hasn't been replenished since.
On Mar 11, the gentleman at the WHO declares the coronavirus outbreak a "Global Pandemic." He called on governments to change the course of the outbreak by taking "urgent and aggressive action." This was a full twelve days after the organization published the official report regarding the situation in China.
On Mar 13, the US admin declared a National Emergency and announced the plan to release $50 billion in federal resources amid COVID-19.
Also on Mar 13, China's Ministry of Commerce states that China is now the best region for global investment hedging.
On Mar 15, Business Insider reports that Trump tried to poach German scientists working on a coronavirus vaccine and offered cash so it would be exclusive to the US. The problem is the official CureVac (the German company) twitter account, on Mar 16, 2020, tweeted the following:
To make it clear again on coronavirus: CureVac has not received from the US government or related entities an offer before, during and since the Task Force meeting in the White House on March 2. CureVac rejects all allegations from press.
On Mar 16, the fan club of European globalists has published a piece titled, "China and Coronavirus: From Home-Made Disaster to Global Mega-Opportunity." The piece says:
The Chinese method is the only method that has proved successful [in fighting the virus], is a message spread online in China by influencers, including many essentially promoting propaganda. ... it is certainly a message that seems to be resonating with opinion leaders around the world.
On the same day, unlike China that had one epicentre, Wuhan city, the US now overtakes China with most cases reporting multiple epicentres simultaneously.
Also on Mar 16, the US stocks ended sharply lower with the Dow posting its worst point drop in history. But some showed a faint hint of uncertain hope.
On Mar 17, according to an article on Chinese version of Quora, Zhihu, chief Chen Wei and her team with CanSino Biologics officially initiated a Phase-1 clinical trial for COVID-19 vaccine at the Wuhan lab, Hubei China, which Bloomberg News confirmed. — Click HERE, then set its time period as 1 year, and see when the graph has started to move up.
Also on Mar 17, China's state media, China Global TV Network (CGTN), has produced YouTube videos for Middle Eastern audiences to spread the opinion that the US has engineered COVID-19 events.
Also on Mar 17, Al Jazeera reported that the US President has been criticized for repeatedly referring to the coronavirus as the "Chinese Virus" as critics saying Trump is "fueling bigotry."
• China's Xinhua News tweeted "Racism is not the right tool to cover your own incompetence."
• Tucker Carlson asked: "Why would America's media take China's side amid coronavirus pandemic?"
• Also, Mr. Bill Gates: "We should not call this the Chinese virus."
On Mar 19, for the first time, China reports zero local infections.
Also on Mar 19, Al Jazeera published an analysis report, titled "Coronavirus erodes Trump's re-election prospects."
On Mar 22, Bloomberg reports that China's mobile carriers lost 21 million users during this pandemic event. It's said to be the first net decline since starting to report monthly data in 2000.
On Mar 26, EURACTV reports that China cashes in off coronavirus, selling Spain $466 million in supplies. However, Spain returns 9,000 "quick result" test kits to China, because they were deemed substandard. — Especially the sensibility of the test was around 30 percent, when it should be higher than 80 percent.
On Apr 03, Germany and other governments are bolstering corporate defenses to address worries that coronavirus-weakened companies could be easy prey for bargain hunting by China's state owned businesses.
On Apr 05, New York Times says "Trump Again Promotes Use of Unproven Anti-Malaria Drug (hydroxychloroquine)."
On Apr 06, a Democratic State Rep. Karen Whitsett from Detroit credits hydroxychloroquine and President Trump for "saving her in her battle with the coronavirus."
On Apr 07, the US CDC removed the following part from its website.
Although optimal dosing and duration of hydroxychloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 are unknown, some U.S. clinicians have reported anecdotally different hydroxychloroquine dosing such as: 400mg BID on day one, then daily for 5 days; 400 mg BID on day one, then 200mg BID for 4 days; 600 mg BID on day one, then 400mg daily on days 2-5.
☞ If there were ever a time for people not to be partisan and tribal, the time has come: We need to be ever vigilant and attentive to all kinds of disinformation & misinformation to see it better as well as to be sharp in our lives. — We really do need to come together.
☞ At first, I was going to draw up a conspiracy theory-oriented list focused on Team-Z, especially Mr. Gates. However, although it's nothing new tbh, recently many chats and discussions seem overflowing with disinformation & misinformation which is, in my opinion, particularly painful at a time like this. Hence, this post became a vanilla list that's just recorded the notable events. — We all are subject to misinformation, miscalculation, and misjudgment. But the clearer the picture becomes the better we can identify Funkspiel.
☞ Immediate Aftermath pt.2.a
☞ Feasible Timeline of the Operation
☞ Go Back to the Short Story.
Brokervergleich Tabelle
Da der Brokermarkt momentan sehr dynamisch ist und viele neue Player dazukommen habe ich begonnen, eine Tabelle zu erstellen. Diese ist noch nicht vollständig und wird sich in den nächsten Wochen und Monaten wahrscheinlich noch stark ändern. Daher lade ich euch alle ein, miteinander etwas Ordnung ins Chaos der verschiedenen Anbieter zu bringen, indem wir diese Google Tabelle bearbeiten.
Interessante Broker:
- Trade Republic
- JustTrade
- Gratisbroker
- Freetrade (noch nicht verfügbar in Dtl., es gibt aber bereits eine Warteliste)
- Nextmarkets
- Plus 500
- Robinhood (noch nicht verfügbar in Dtl.)
- Degiro
Vergleich im Bezug auf:
- Verfügbarkeit in Deutschland / Österreich / Schweiz
- Ordergebühr Aktie
- Ordergebühr ETF
- Dividende Gebühr
- Minimale Handelsmenge in Stück (Kaufen von Aktienanteilen)
- Mindesteinlage
- Mindestordervolumen
- Zinsen Verrechnungskonto
- Einlagensicherung
- Handelsplattform (Trading-App (iOS, Android), Web, Trading-Software)
- Anzahl kaufbarer Aktien, ETFs, Sparpläne, Fonds, verbriefter Derivate, Anleihen, Optionen, Optionsscheine, Futures, Zertifikate, Knock Outs, FOREX, CFDs
- Kauf von Cryptocurrencies + Withdrawal Verfügbarkeit
- Handelsplätze börslich, außerbörslich
- Handelszeiten
- Sonstiges (wenn euch noch etwas einfällt könnt ihr das gerne hinzufügen!)
A Short Story that Describes Imaginary Events and People of Worldwide Calamities and the Aftermath (the 2nd Edition)
The following story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this post are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
However, the LINKS to real-life events and inspiring sources are placed here and there throughout the story.
Truth is the Only Light
☞ [As of 2019] there are plenty of reasons to think the Chinese system will implode spectacularly without Japanese feeling the need to do a thing. — Peter Zaihan, Disunited Nations (Mar 03, 2020)
It's apparent that two nations have been engaged in a high-stakes military & economy arms race. The current US admin has been hitting China with waves of tariffs, but that was merely a small part of what's actually going on. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
On Oct 11, 2019, when they reached a tentative agreement for the first phase of a trade deal, the fact that China made the concession actually made my jaw drop. From where I sit, it was a worrisome scene. Aren't people saying, when challenging situations are bottled up, they will just grow and mutate into another terrible complications?
Admittedly I was not certain how they are going to adhere to the agreement: It left most of the US tariffs (on China's exports) in place, and at the same time, came with an additional USD $200 Billion burden for China over the next two years. This agreement might seem a bit insignificant, but now China would need to purchase almost twice the size of the US products & services they did before the trade war began.
With their current economic climate? I murmured, "No way."
While watching Trump brag and boast around with said agreement, I expected China would soon come out and fling some improvised excuses in order to delay the document-signing process. It wouldn't be their first time. More importantly, even if China does so, there wouldn't be many (real) counterattack options left for the Trump admin during this year, the US presidential election year.
Then, on Jan 16, 2020, the world's two largest economies actually signed a partial trade agreement aimed at putting the brakes on an 18-month trade war. China would almost surely not sit down but come back to bite, I thought.
Enter the worldwide chaos following so called the COVID-19 outbreak.
☞ Globalists have been heavily investing in China's economy and its components overseas.
• Here are a couple of well known names: the Great Old One; George Soros; Koos Bekker; and Bill Gates.
• For the sake of convenience, from here on, let's call these globalists, who are foreign investors in China's top tier state-owned/sponsored/controlled enterprises, Team-Z.
• Team-Z has adopted big time lackeys like Henry Kissinger or small time ones like Larry Summers, Stephen Hadley, or Bill Browder as matchmakers to court Team-Z for China's top tier enterprises. When Israel's highest echelons chimed in, it has been through Israeli IT companies and the BRI projects.
• Naturally, multinational investment banks have also been employed; such as Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), UBS Group AG (formerly Union Bank of Switzerland), Blackstone Group, Canaccord Genuity, BlackRock, Hermitage, or Mirae Asset.
☞ Note: The Great Old One didn't use any matchmakers, something peasants would need. Because the Great Old One's power level is over 9000.
• China's Shanghai clique used to keep the nation's state-sponsored enterprises under their firm grip: Enterprises such as Alibaba Group, Tencent, Baidu, Wanda Group, HNA Group, Anbang Group, Evergrande Group, CEFC Energy and Huawei, all of which Team-Z has massively invested in.
• Here is how Shanghai clique and Team-Z, esp. Bill Gates, started to get together: [LINK]
• However, in the name of anti-corruption campaign, Xi Jinping & his Princelings have been taking those businesses away from Shanghai clique's hand, and transforming those state-sponsored private enterprises into the state-owned enterprises, declaring the 國進民退 movement.
• Slaying Shanghai clique's control = [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
• 國進民退 + Slaying Shanghai clique's control = [A] [B] [C]
• Xi's reign didn't arrive today without challenges though: the BRI projects' poor outcome has frustrated Israel's great expectations. And since the US-China trade war has started, the problems of China's economic systems started to surface, not to mention China's economy has long been decaying.
• Coupled with the US-China trade war, the current US admin has been trying to block Huawei from accessing the international financial systems that the US can influence, as well as the US banking systems. This is a good time to remind you again that Bill Gates has had a very close-knit relationship with Huawei.
☞ It's the trade war, but why were internet-based companies such as Tencent and Baidu suffering losses?
Answer: The state-sponsored companies like Tencent, Baidu, or Huawei have heavily invested in international trade and commodity markets, which are easily influenced by aspects that IMF interest rates, the US sanctions, or trade war can create.
Example: Let's say, Tencent invests in a Tehran-based ride-hailing company. Then, through said ride-hailing company, Tencent invests in Iran's petroleum industry. Now, China's most valuable IT company is in international petrochemical trade. The business is going to make great strides until the US imposes trade embargoes oand economic sanctions against Iran.
China's economy going down = Team-Z losing an astronomical amount of money.
★ Wednesday, Sep 26, 2018 ★
"Gentlemen, you guys might want to do something before it's too bloody late, no? His speech last night was .... (sniggers) Mr. Gates, now is as good a time as any. Mr. Soros , hm, don't look at me like that."
".... But,"
"Yes, Mr. Soros, your HNA is going down, too. .... Ah, Schwarzman xiansheng, we're very sorry to learn about Blackstone's Iran & SinopecChina situation. So, we're guessing, you'd be happy to join Mr. Gates's operation, yes? Of course, We already contacted Kissinger xiansheng. .... Okay then, Gentlemen ?"
• Now you can take a guess why George Soros has recently been sending out confusing messages regarding Xi Jinping.
• Wait, how about Wuhan Institute of Virology? Doesn't this story concern the COVID-19 outbreak? Is the Wuhan Institute also associated with Shanghai clique? Yes, indeed. Here's How Wuhan Institute of Virology and Shanghai Clique are related: [LINK]
☞ Calling for the tide to be turned, Team-Z and Shanghai clique started to devise the plan. The objectives are:
① By shutting down international trade, crashing world economy, and exploiting its aftermath, the plan should produce an outcome letting Team-Z earn back their loss from the trade war & the US sanctions, and collect additional profits from China's BRI projects & stock markets worldwide, including the US stock markets.
• Don't forget this: This point number ① also concerns the developing nations on the BRI with the large deposits of natural resources that Team-Z has invested in through China. If everything comes together nicely, Team-Z will pick up trillions of dollars from those nations alone as if they are light as a feather. Ironically this will reinforce the BRI project governance and mitigate fraud & corruption risks inherent to the international development projects.
② By utilizing the aftermath in the US, a new US administration consisted of pro-Beijing personnels should be fostered at the 2020 election. In a worst-case scenario, the aftermath should be abused enough to make Robert Lighthizer to leave the admin. Mr. Mnuchin could stay.
③ Sometime next year, the phase one trade deal must be reassessed with the new US admin. The reassessment should help China take the upper-hand at the second phase trade talk.
④ The pandemic crisis should yield a situation which allows China to delay the payments for its state-firm offshore debts. With the point number ①, this will give China a breathing room to manage its steadily-fallen forex reserves.
⑤ Since their current turf (in China) is education industry & medical science industry, Shanghai clique will have no issue with earning hefty profits by managing China's export of medical equipments & health care products which can be supplied worldwide mainly by China. People in the west will bent the knees for the clique's support.
☞ Regarding Jiang Zemin's son and medical science industry in China [LINK]
⑥ The outcome should weaken Xi & his Princelings' political power considerably in favour of Shanghai clique & Team-Z. This will let Jiang's Shanghai clique (A) reclaim some of political status & business interest controls they have lost to Xi & his Princelings.
• And once this point number ⑥, with the point number ② , is realized, it would be much easier for the clique to (B) recover their huge assets hidden overseas that the current US admin or Xi & his Princelings have frozen.
⑦ Combining good old bribery with sex, the outcome should support China to re-secure control over the US governors. Once the plan is executed successfully, those governors would desperately need solutions to local economic problems and unemployment.
⑧ Lastly, implementing an e-ID system in the US similar to Beijing's Alipay and WeChat could be the cherry on top of the operation's entire outcomes. Who's supporting such a system worldwide? None other than Microsoft and Rockefeller Foundation. ಠ_ಠ
☞ They were afraid more talents were needed. The main target was the world's largest economy with the most powerful military capability, after all.
They ended up asking Mr. Fridman to see Lord Putin about that. The old Vova was going through a lot nowadays, people said. It could be because his nation's energy business to Europe seems to be hitting wall after wall. He is said to have enough on his plate with no end in sight, so maybe he'll join.
★ Monday, Jan 15, 2018 ★
"(pours a drink for himself) I know, but. ... What would happen if Bashar falls? How long you think you can keep it up? .... Erdogan is many things (sniggers) but he's never gentle . (sips his drink slowly) When Benji's EastMed Pipeline starts to actively compete, then what? They got the China money now. .... Vagit and his buddies will be very unhappy. You know that. Not great, Vova."
"Ah, you mean what are we going to do? Hm? Hm. I'll tell you what we're going to do. This time, we're going to bankrupt the US shale gas sector. Then, of course, we can maybe convince Benji to take their time with the pipeline. Perhaps for good. (sips his drink slowly) Don't worry, Vova, It'll work. You worry too much. We'll come out the other side stronger."
"So, how long until they set it off?
"Hahaa, yes. They'll soon put all things in place. While marching in place, they'll play the tune a couple of months before the next sochelnik."
"Nearly 20 months to brace things here, then?"
"(nod slowly in happiness) Hm. Оторви́сь там, оттопы́рься, Vova"
☞ When the directive came, these idiots answered claiming they would be gladly "on it." All in the name of rejuvenating China's economy without grasping the real objective prevailing throughout the entire operation. Thing is, they would never realize what they are to Team-Z & their Asian overlord until it's too late.
Who are they? It's A and B, not A or B: (A) the American corporations that are too big to fail and have suffered a considerable loss because of the US-China trade war. Among those corporations, (B) the ones that have been structured with massive interest-profit relationships in/with China.
"We need China in order for the US as a nation to continue being prosper," they've been shouting. No surprise there, because they've enjoyed the strides of extraordinary profits over the years while the US middle class has continued to shrink.
But, in 2019 when China's stock markets nosedived for the first time since 2015 and China's authorities in financial stability & resiliency fumbled their response; it wiped that smile off their face. Still, they'll keep behaving not to offend their Asian overlord, nonetheless.
☞ Many crucial components had to come into play all at once in order to cause World War I. If one of the components were missing or different, it is unlikely that the World War I as we know of could be produced.
① The US in 2019: Overbought bubbles + Over borrowed corporations
② The US in 2020: It's an Election Year.
③ Russia has been dumping US Treasuries for the past few years.
④ Russia has been hoarding golds as if they were recreating Inca Empire.
⑤ China in 2019: Immense & long term financial troubles has started to surface.
⑥ China in 2020: The phase-one deal has been signed; leaving most of tariffs on China intact and adding another $200 Billion burden for China.
⑦ Team-Z sets up a situation in the US where some event(s) would freeze the US supply chains & demand for the next three to ten months.
• Just like the 9/11, the event will be initiated at the clique's own region. However, unlike in China, the US will report multiple epicentres simultaneously.
• And the CDC and the US medical task force will carry on with a number of sabotage acts, to secure enough time for the infected yet untested in those US epicentres to spread plenty. [1] [2] [3]
• Here's a feasible timeline of the operation.
⑧ Then, the BOOM: Team-Z (a) manipulates the markets to make sure MM will have liquidity concerns (b) when they need it most. The (c) bottomed out oil price will be an enforcement, which will also wreck the US energy sector as a kicker. The (d) WHO will also join as a disinformation campaign office.
• Then a couple of big name investment managers will lead a movement that (will try to) bring back foreign money back to China. [1] [2]
• Meanwhile, in US, the disinformation campaign will continue to be pushed until the second wave of attack arrives.
☞ We're now going through World War III. The global structure laid down by World War II had been shaken by globalization and the rise of China. This pandemic event will shock the structure further. Human history will be divided into Before 2021 and After 2021.
① Outcome pt. 1: Immediate Aftermath [pt.1] [pt.2]
② Outcome pt. 2: The US economy goes deep dive along with world economy, and the only thing Team-Z has to do is to exploit the aftermath which has been thoroughly calculated and eagerly anticipated. — Favoured assessment: There won't be a V curve ever, unless drastic measures taken within the timeframe of four months. Unprecedented market crash, the rapid unemployment acceleration because of the supply-chain shut down, and the near-death security which in turn forces consumer confidence to plummet. We're looking at a super long L shape curve unless the US prepares fast for the second wave of their asymmetric warfare.
③ Outcome pt. 3: Arguably the most important outcome. — Because of the unprecedented shutdown of international trade, the nations heavily rely on exporting natural resources will face the extreme financial threats. What if some of those are emerging markets AND massively in debt to China? What do you think China would do to said nations while the aftermath is hitting the globe hard? [PDF] Something comparable to Latin American Debt Crisis will happen.
④ Outcome pt. 4: Not that significant compared to the others but still notable outcome. — The world will need Shanghai clique's help to get medical products and equipments.
☞ Several analysts have discussed off the record that next it'd be a proxy warfare not using armed conflicts but with spreading a galaxy of counterfeit-currency across every possible channels.
Coincidently, on Dec 13, 2017, Business Insider reported in an article "A $100 counterfeit 'supernote' found in South Korea could have been made in North Korea" that:
"It was the first of a new kind of supernote ever found in the world," Lee Ho-Joong, head of KEB Hana Bank's anti-counterfeit centre told Agence France-Presse.
Reporting the same news, The Telegraph published an article on Dec 11, 2017:
"It seems that whoever printed these supernotes has the facilities and high level of technology matching that of a government", said Lee Ho-jung, a bank spokesman from KEB Hana Bank in South Korea. "They are made with special ink that changes colour depending on the angle, patterned paper and Intaglio printing that gives texture to the surface of a note".
• Tale of How Shanghai clique and Globalists Got Together
• Wuhan Institute of Virology, Wuhan City, & Shanghai Clique
• Feasible Timeline of the COVID-19 Operation
• Immediate Aftermath — pt.1.b
• Immediate Aftermath — pt.2.a
• Remdesivir, Gilead Sciences, Its Shareholders, & Silly Concern
• Cases Displaying the Recent Climate of Chinese Economy
• Compliance Report by the US State Department on China regarding Biological Weapons Convention — Click "2019 August Unclassified Compliance Report" and see p45.
• Jiang Zemin's son & Medical Science Industry in China
• What is Guanxi (關係)?
• Israeli IT Companies & China
• Opinion article "Cancel All Debt to China"
• Fun Trivia about Bush Family and China
Prelude to a Market Bloodbath: a Ludicrous Theory of How It All Started.
The text below was actually a comment of mine on another Redditor's post, but since I think they all left for the day, I have decided to create a standalone post with it.
Even though it's my theory, tbh I prefer the other theory of mine, which is:
From the COVID-19 outbreak to the great oil war between Russia & Saudi to the market crash, this whole event is a live simulation that some powerful group is executing for their future plan.
But today, I would like to present my less favourable theory: Theory of How COVID-19 Pandemic Has Started.
Obviously, for some parts, I got the sources. But for others, it's just a speculation based on the well known (?) inner working (political) systems of China.
Both Shanghai clique (Jiang Zemin) and Communist Youth League (Hu Jintao) want to unseat Xi Jinping.
.A. Because:
Shanghai clique detests Xi Jinping because Xi & his Princelings put many key politburo of Shanghai clique in jail in the name of anti-corruption.
And Princelings took away Shanghai clique's influences from big key Chinese businesses such as Wanda Group, Alibaba Group & Tencent.
Communist Youth League loathes Xi Jinping because Xi & his Princelings broke China's 太上王 institution, the nation's long standing political treaty among the ruling classes, by sidelining most of Hu Jintao's prominent politburo in the council.
Subsequently, the political power of Li Keqiang's (Communist Youth League) within State Council has been dramatically minimized over the years, although he is the No. 2 party figure.
It was a break with two previous generations of leadership, which were based on consensus among members of the ruling party's inner circle of power, the Standing Committee, a.k.a China's 太上王 institution.
Shanghai clique and Communist Youth League decided to work together to hatch a seemingly perfect plan:
- Unseating Xi Jinping would be the best outcome, but they knew it would be laborious.
- While keep trying to unseat Xi, this operation by their plan should be something to weaken Xi Jinping's power within State Council.
- The operation should also reboot the political power of Li Keqiang to re-boost the current status of Communist Youth League within State Council.
- The operation should also restore the financial flow for Shanghai clique & the businesses that are still under Shanghai clique's control.
- By weakening Xi Jinping's power, the operation should reinstate Shanghai clique's control of (at least some of) key businesses of the nation.
- Used-to-be hyper wealthy Shanghai clique decided they were to be okay with what's going to happen in the field, colossal businesses loss in the region;
because 1) most of better businesses used to be owned by them have been already taken away by Princelings anyway. And 2) a while ago their foreign financial backers, such as Henry Kissinger, George Soros & Koos Bekker who used to be kissy kissy with them, left for the new power in China. Now those backers seems to be in bed with Xi. And 3) Xi started to crack down Shanghai clique's assets hidden overseas with the inside-info those backers provided to Xi. exploding head gifs
- The operation's process must appear natural, so the blame could never fall onto neither of Shanghai clique nor Communist Youth League.
- For the operation, they needed to pick an appropriate region where the influence of Shanghai clique and Communist Youth League were still prevalent.
- All the blame should fall under Xi & Princelings' political and bureaucratic incompetence.
.B. Preparation:
- Dr. Wang Yanyi is a Chinese immunologist. She is the director general at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the deputy director for Wuhan in the China Zhi Gong Party.
- Dr. Wang Yanyi is married to Chinese professor Shu Hongbing.
- Shu Hongbing is a Chinese cytologist and immunologist. He is a tier-1 member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a close associate of Jiang Mianheng thru said Academy and Shanghai Tech University connection.
- Jiang Mianheng is Jiang Zemin's son (Jiang Zemin = No. 1 in Shanghai clique). Jiang Mianheng has served as Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the first President of ShanghaiTech University.
- Because many international bodies are closely monitoring the NBL-4 facility in Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory and in turn the NBL-3 facility in the same laboratory attracts fewer observing eyes from outside bodies, they decided to use the latter to pick & modify the pathogen.
- The pathogen's spreading speed should be rapid to achieve the maximum effect.
- Jiang Chaoliang is a pro-Shanghai clique Chinese politician and he was the Communist Party Secretary of Hubei.
- Later, as a result of his handling of the coronavirus outbreak, Jiang Chaoliang has been replaced by Ying Yong, a close ally of Xi Jinping.
.C. Operation:
- The operators released a pathogen of their choice in Hubei near the end of 2019. The holiday season was coming up, so there would be large frequent crowds to spread the pathogen.
- Some people in the region started to experience flu like symptoms but they didn't think much about it because it's a Winter season.
- Seeing numerous passengers were unusually ill, the cab drivers in Wuhan city knew something was up with the area close to the city laboratory.
- The number of flu patients in Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University and Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University started to curiously go up.
- The CPC bureaucrats in said hospitals started to report the situation to their superiors. Then, in turn, those superiors reported to politburo in State Council.
- Finally, Xi Jinping received the news regarding the situation in Wuhan city.
- On Jan. 7, 2020, Xi demanded during a Politburo Standing Committee to take care of the situation.
- Jiang Chaoliang and the other pro-Shanghai clique politburo in Hubei province pretended listening to Xi's order but they quietly ignored it by suppressing the evidences + sabotaging the field. -- Have you read the article which was reporting that the researchers received a gag order from China's NHC with instructions to destroy the samples?
- Shanghai clique & Communist Youth League told their relatives and close associates to leave the region. It would look business as usual because it's near the Chinese New Year holiday season.
- Remember, Academics & the related institutions in China are Shanghai clique's turf.
- On Jan. 14, W.H.O declared that "Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in Wuhan, China."
- On Jan. 20, 2020, after realizing his previous directions were conveniently ignored, Xi gave special instructions to control the now-became outbreak.
- But again the pro-Shanghai clique politburo in Wuhan and other cities in Hubei province pretended following Xi's instructions but ultimately ignored those by still sabotaging the proceedings.
- Wuhan mayor Zhou Xianwang allowed and in fact applauded a massive annual potluck banquet for 40,000 families from a city precinct, who (on the ordinary people levels) are mostly the supporters of Xi Jinping. ---- It's going to be interesting to see who they would blame later on if there were to be a disaster in the region.
- On Jan. 23, 2020, after having confirmed their relatives and close associates left the region, they imposed a lockdown in Wuhan and other cities in Hubei province.
- Before the lockdown, 5 million people have already left Wuhan city. It was on. Some of them went to their homes in the different regions of China. But some people with connections & means left China and went to U.S., South Korea, Iran, Italy, & France, which are Chinese tourists' popular destinations.
- Xi Jinping and his Princelings now suspected something was not right. Xi disappeared from the public view.
- Willy Lam, a political scientist at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, commented that Xi Jinping's activities after his lengthy public disappearance looked like an attempt to shift blame to Li Keqiang if progress in fighting the disease is unsatisfactory.
.D. Outcome:
- With his performance of containing the situation were being praised by State Council, Li Keqiang's political power has been expanded within the council. ---- Li Keqiang belongs to China's Communist Youth League, which has been under Shanghai clique's control.
- On Feb. 1, the US was the one of the first nations in the world along with Russia and N. Korea that banned not just Chinese nationals but all foreigners travelling from mainland China, declares public health emergency. And China and some US media criticized Trump for stoking fear and overreacting.
- On Feb. 3, China is expected to gradually implement a larger stimulus packages (in total) than a USD $572 billion from 2008. ---- Let's see where those money will go to. (Actually we would never find out but it will probably go to key people of Shanghai clique.)
- On Feb. 7, China National Petroleum Corp. has recently declared Force Majeure on gas imports. They are trying to make a breathing room for their foreign exchange reserves shortage. China's foreign exchange reserves fell to mere USD $3.1 trillion in Oct. 2019.
- On Feb. 12, the US targets Russian oil company for helping Venezuela skirt sanctions. ---- My guess is that at this moment, the US admin noticed something is up, so they tried to secure some leverage against Russia.
- Around Feb. 24, China is rumoured (on Twitter) to delay its US-China phase one trade deal implementation indefinitely which includes the increasement of China's purchasing American products & services by at least $200 billion over the next two years.
- If China indeed delays the phase one trade deal implementation, there won't be many comebacks (such as more tariffs) that the US can carry through, because now the pandemic is happening within the US Soil.
- On Feb. 24, S&P 500 Index started to drop. Opened with 3225.89 and closed 3128.21. By Feb. 28, it dropped to 2954.22.
- On Feb 28, China transferred more than 80,000 Uighurs to factories used by global brands such as Apple, Nike, & Volkswagen & among others.
- On Mar. 1, China's State Council super tighten up their already draconian internet law.
- On Mar. 1, Princelings published an awesome propaganda called A Battle Against Epidemic: China Combating COVID-19 in 2020 which compiles numerous state media accounts on the heroic leadership of Xi Jinping, the vital role of the Communist Party, and the superiority of the Chinese system in fighting the virus.
- Starting at Mar. 3, the Fed has taken two significant measures to provide monetary stimulus.
- On Mar. 4, Xinhua News, China's official state-run press agency posted an article "Be bold: the world should thank China (理直气壮, 世界应该感谢中国)."
- Said article states "If China retaliates against the US at this time, it will also announce strategic control over medical products, and ban exports of said products to the US. ... If China declares today that its drugs are for domestic use only (banning exports), the US will fall into the hell of new coronavirus epidemic."
- This Xinhua article would be in part Shanghai clique's grand posturing (who are holding political power & capacity in medicals & biochemicals of China) to show off to people of China that Shanghai clique is still relevant in power.
- On Mar. 5, Shanghai Index has recovered the coronavirus loss almost completely.
- On Mar. 7, Saudi's Ahmed bin Abdulaziz and Muhammad bin Nayef were arrested on the claims of plotting to overthrow King Salman. ---- Ahmed bin Abdulaziz is known to have very tight investment-interest relationship with Bill Gates, Bill Browder, Blackstone, & Morgan Stanley.
- Interestingly, one common factor that connects Bill Gates, Bill Browder, Blackstone, & Morgan Stanley is China.
- On Mar. 8, the Russia–Saudi oil price war has initiated. The ostensible reason was simple. China, the biggest importer of oil from Saudi and Russia, was turning back tankers as the coronavirus outbreak forced the economy to a standstill.
- On, Mar. 13, China's Ministry of Commerce states that China is now the best region for global investment hedging.
- On Mar. 16, the fan club of Europe globalists (:D) has published a piece, China and Coronavirus: From Home-Made Disaster to Global Mega-Opportunity. The piece says the following:
Combined with the new aid disbursements and advice the other countries, Chinese leaders appear to be hoping that their heavily-promoted success in fighting the virus helps Beijing appear like a global leader on public health – and thus ready to take on other types of global leadership.
"The Chinese method is the only method that has proved successful" [in fighting the virus], is a message spread online in China by influencers, including many essentially promoting propaganda.
This is not necessarily true. After all, other wealthy Asian states have shown different, effective models. But it is certainly a message that seems to be resonating with opinion leaders around the world.
- On Mar. 16, the US stocks ended sharply lower with the Dow posting its worst point drop in history and falling to its lowest level in nearly three years. But some showed a faint hint of uncertain hope.
Many thanks for reading up my long ass post!! -- The updated version is hopefully coming soon. :D
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